V ANG EUROCITYEXPO2025 Overview - Flipbook - Page 12
luxexpo The box
LUXEXPO THE BOX, with its modern,
versatile infrastructure, is the ideal epicentre
for hosting a variety of events, exhibitions,
conferences and trade shows.
The venue provides a comprehensive range
of services, including event logistics, stateof-the-a爀琀 technology, catering and nearby
accommodation, ensuring optimum comfo爀琀 and
success for all pa爀琀icipants.
se琀琀ing for large-scale gatherings, making
every event a memorable and exceptional
LUXEXPO THE BOX in its entirely is
dedicated in full to the event.
A premiere since 1989!
With a strong reputation as a host venue for
internationally renowned events, LUEXPO
THE BOX o昀昀ers a professional and prestigious
heAdIng ToWARdS A ThRIvIng, SuSTAInAble, And hARMonIouS eCoSYSTeM.